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weekend warrior (weekly wrap-up #1)

i've decided to create a "weekly wrap-up" on my page and this'll be the first post! hopefully i commit to this in the long term but for now, here it is. weekend wrap-ups will all be under this eponymous category on my blog so it'll be easier to find them!

jamming to: as mentioned in my previous blog post, a lot of alex turner and the arctic monkeys. also radiohead's newest single "burn the witch", which is ultra trippy and amazing but the music video is soooo creepy in that wallace and gromit way.

currently reading: lola and the boy next door by stephanie perkins. i absolutely loved anna and the french kiss, so i have high expectations going into this one!

admiring: the crinkly packet of vanilla bourbon TWG tea on the table next to me as i type this. my uncle let me pick one to take home when we went over for mother's day dinner and i was so happy because twg teas are so expensive. there were earl greys and chamomiles and fruity stuff in his box but obviously anything vanilla means the rest aren't even contenders. it's just one tea bag but whatever, because it's these little things that really make my day. i can't wait to brew it tomorrow!

eating: medication because i have a horrid throat infection ugh. but i've also been enjoying tons of avocado toasts and pastas because we had a bunch that all ripened at the same time. and with bananas and avocados, their window of deliciousness is very slim. a day late and what could have been gorgeous soft green avo becomes a yucky mushy brown bleghhh so we had to use them up pronto. but the good news is that my mom just bought like ten (yes, i was so shocked myself) new green avos so i'm going to have so much fun in the coming weeks planning what creative dishes i can spin up with these babies!

pondering: when my exam results will be released. i'm crossing my fingers that i keep my gpa above the bar because i'm competitive that way but also prepared for the worst because i completely screwed up my last paper when i mixed up psychoanalytic theory with marxist-feminist theory. what a poop. i'm also planning an avo-related blog post and wondering when i'll have the motivation to do that up.

generally relishing: slow mornings spent in bed, no school, agenda-less days, tons of me time and plenty of time spent in the kitchen!

excited for: the dates with my girls i've planned this week! i'm generally a homebody but some weeks i just get motivation to do things and i jump at the window of opportunity, and i have a feeling this coming week will be one of them after being cooped up at home for the past week resting. i'm hoping to finally get my poke bowl fix, and maybe some mexican or darn good pizza and definitely lots of coffee and cakes if i have any say in it!

that's all for now, here's to a fab new week and let's make it a good one!

xoxo, ali.


Top Thirteen Thoughts


today will never happen again



freedom is a privilege



the more you don't feel like it, pray



there's a sunrise and sunset every single day, absolutely free. don't miss too many of them



read widely, read often



learn something new every day. stay humble, stay curious



exercise weekly and eat healthy



live deliberately by design and not default



get inspired; write more, think lighter and take photographs



use time wisely. no mindless scrolling on social media



don't hoard



be less competitive, do things with the right intention



God and others first, always

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